Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 03 Dec 2018
Intellectual Property Office Workshop

Everyone Owns IP: What do you own?
Most successful businesses are built on well managed intangible assets link intellectual property (IP) and academics are increasingly encouraged to utilise their research for societal and commerce benefits. IP is used all the time, perhaps without realising it. Whether it is a patent, the name of your company, branded products, website or a design, the value of IP can far outweigh the value of your physical assets.
The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) helps innovators and entrepreneurs understand how IP can create value from their ideas, turning inspiration into realisation. This includes packaging IP innovation from academia into licence and spin out opportunities for impact.
Background - This workshop aims to give participants a good overview of intellectual property and has been designed for a wide range of stakeholders including SMEs and academics interested in applying their research.
For more info and booking : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/intellectual-property-office-workshop-tickets-50861963502?aff=esli
For more information visit http://hwww.eventbrite.co.uk/e/intellectual-property-office-workshop-tickets-50861963502?aff=esli
Opportunity Location
3M Buckley Innovation Centre
Firth Street
Website: http://hwww.eventbrite.co.uk/e/intellectual-property-office-workshop-tickets-50861963502?aff=esli