Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 31 Mar 2019
Resource Efficiency Fund

If you want to lower your energy usage, reduce your water and waste costs and minimise your impact on the environment, Leeds City Region LEP could help.
Their Resource Efficiency Fund provides financial support and advice for SMEs looking to become more resource efficient in the way they do business.
Take a look at two business case studies at: http://www.the-lep.com/for-business/ref/
Hear how Halifax-based Azo reduced their gas bills by a third and halved their energy costs thanks to support from the LEP’s Resource Efficiency Fund
Leeds-based Greyhound box saw an increase in productivity, turnover and profit thanks to support from the LEP’s Resource Efficiency Fund
LCR LEP can offer free efficiency assessments, hands-on business support and up to 50% capital grant funding of up to £10,000 to help you save money and resources.
To be eligible for support, your business must be:
•A small or medium sized enterprise (SME), defined as: ◦having fewer than 250 employees AND
◦a turnover of under c£40m OR a balance sheet of under c£35m
◦not being part of a larger group of companies that takes it over this threshold
•Based in the Leeds City Region excluding Barnsley, i.e. a trading address in the Leeds City Region
•In an eligible sector - this generally excludes primary agriculture, banking and financial services, and (for grants in particular) those trading directly with consumers- e.g. retail and hospitality
•Able to provide evidence of your previous energy and resource consumption, for example your previous utility bills