Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 16 Nov 2016
Venturfest Yorkshire 2016

16th November : York Racecourse
Venturefest Yorkshire is a one day festival with a clear remit to nurture business growth in the region, - by helping innovators develop their ideas and helping entrepreneurs get investment.
We intend to inspire, entertain and amaze our delegates with fantastic talks, workshops and exhibitions and a spectacular end-of-day show.
10 Good Reasons: http://www.venturefestyorkshire.net/get-involved/10-good-reasons-you-should-be-at-venturefest/
We have a fantastic programme lined up for this year - it is fresh, different and packed with great content.
We have a record number of exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, workshops and experts all ready to meet you.
We have also had a record entry into our 2 competitions : Pitchfest and The Innovation Showcase,