Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 09 Jul 2018
Heritage Learning Officer - Bradford Council

The Heritage Learning Officer is a new position, key to the development and delivery of the Heritage Learning Programme at St Georges Hall, funded by Bradford Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund.
St Georges Hall is the oldest public building in the city of Bradford with a 165 history which includes Houdini, Charles Dickens and Winston Churchill. The Heritage Learning Officer will plan and run Heritage learning activities both at the Hall and at other sites, exploring its rich past and relevance in the present day. The role will deliver special community projects, volunteer training and co-ordinate public heritage involvement.
The first six months of the post, starting from summer 2018, shall concentrate on building relationships and developing partnerships in the run up to St Georges Hall re-opening after extensive refurbishment. A framework Activity Plan will be developed and an initial 3 year programme of work delivered with schools, families, local communities and other groups.
The Heritage Learning Officer may be offered training to enhance specific skills but must have a strong background in a heritage or cultural educational setting, with a particular emphasis on history and community projects.
For further details and to make an application please follow the link below.
For further information regarding this post please contact Laura Wood - details below.
Interviews: will be held w/c 16 July 2018 in Bradford.
For more information visit https://bradford.engageats.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01274 432 375
Email: laura.wood@bradford.gov.uk
Website: https://bradford.engageats.co.uk/