Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 17 May 2022
Help create a Creative Dementia Arts Practice Handbook: Webinar

Dr. Richard Coaten and Maria Pasiecznik Parsons of Creative Dementia Arts Network are embarking on a co-edited Creative Dementia Arts Practice Handbook (Jessica Kingsley Press) for publication in 2023
They need YOU to help them create a really useful resource for creative artists involving all disciplines, health and wellbeing practitioners, arts therapists and others working in the field. In addition to the wide range of skills, knowledge and experience for good practice in using the arts in working with people living with dementia, there are some key elements that matter a great deal. These include making, sustaining and ending relationships, attunement, empathy, non-verbal communications and improvisatory skills and knowledge that promote life-enhancing opportunities. There are many issues that we would like your help in answering, in order to build as clear and contemporary a picture of the field today as we can, and what it needs going forward, filling in the pieces of a puzzle if you like. These include questions such as:
1. SKILLS: What are the core skills for good practice in arts-based work with people living with dementia?
2. TRG & DEVPT: How do creative practitioners and others in the field acquire these skills?
3. LEARNING: What’s been your most important learning experience and why?
4. KNOWLEDGE GAP: What is the knowledge/skills gap you most often experience – and how do you bridge that gap?
5. LEARNING: What advice would you give your beginning practice self?
6. FUTURE: What might the field look in 5 years? What are the trends we must take account of as in a S.W.O.T. analysis (Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats)?
10.30 Welcome from Maria Pasiecznik Parsons and Dr Richard Coaten, CDAN
10.32 Attendee Introductions
10 .42 Dr Richard Coaten: What would you want to find in a really useful handbook of good practice in arts for dementia?
10.50 Roundtable 1
11.15 Break
11.20 Roundtable 2
11.45 Feedback
12.00 Close
Full details and to book your place please visit the website below.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creative-dementia-arts-good-practice-webinar-tickets-329042714617?keep_tld=1