Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 05 Jan 2017
Hartlepool BC Sculpture Proposal

Hartlepool Borough Council, supported by the Coastal Communities Fund is now issuing a call to artists for sculpture proposals from which to select and commission one unique piece of work. Artists are invited to submit proposals which respond to the current and/or historical context of this iconic town and seafront promenade site. Particular attention should be focused on Hartlepool’s maritime history and development.
There are two phases to this call. There is a short-listing process including influence from a 2 week public consultation via the Council’s website, followed by a final selection process, where one work will be selected to become the sculpture for the plinth. The final selected artist will receive a fee of up to £20,000 to produce their proposed sculpture subject to the Stage 2 of CCF funding bid being successful. The CCF award is expected to be known by March 2017 and all payments to artists depend on a successful application for the funding.
There is a total budget of £30,000 for the project and this is broken down in to two elements:
There is a commission of £10,000 for the selected artists. This will need to cover all costs (including design and production fees, out-of-pocket expenses, and any VAT). Our business plan allows for £20,000 for the production of the sculpture this budget would include artists' fees, materials, casting and/or construction expenses, transport, installation and any VAT. All payments are subject to the project receiving a successful awarding from the Coastal Community Fund by the end of March 2017 Payments to be made in 2017/18.
The final selected artist will be informed w/c 9th February 2017 and commissioned to produce from April 2017 subject to the CCF funding award having been confirmed. To submit your response to this proposal you must return all relevant documentation through the ProContract Portal. This system is used to gather quotations/tender documentation submitted by Suppliers which in turn will be evaluated by Hartlepool Borough Council. To register as a supplier on the ProContract portal (https://procontract.due-north.com/Login). Please follow the guidance Notes attached or view the Help section at https://supplierhelp.due-north.com/. If you are registering on the portal for this opportunity then please register your details against the following category 82151504 Sculptors Services. To search for this opportunity on the ProContract portal please search for ‘Hartlepool Coastal Plinths Sculpture Programme: Call to Artists for Proposal’ or ‘Project Id: DN218352’.
All responses including your proposal, images and CV must be returned via the ProContract portal by no later than 12 noon on Thursday 5th January 2017. Again guidance on how to submit your response can be found at the Help section at https://supplierhelp.due-north.com/ or Telephone the helpdesk on 0191 261 3940.
Deadline for submissions – 5th January 2017 12 noon
For more information visit https://supplierhelp.due-north.com/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 0191 261 3940
Website: https://supplierhelp.due-north.com/