Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 17 Jun 2020
Great Get Together call out for your images

The Great Get Together 2020
Over the Great Get Together weekend 19-21 June we will celebrate the #powerofcommunity. Whilst we know that there won't be any public gatherings or large events, we are encouraging people all across the country to reach out across the weekend with acts of compassion and connection. We have lots of examples of how people can get involved on our website and in this short video.
Art Projection - Wall of Gratitude
One of the Great Get Together activities in Kirklees, in collaboration with Kirklees Council, will be an art projection in Dewsbury featuring the work of artist, Ian Berry and work from people across Kirklees.
Ian has created a beautiful animation of hands clapping, which has been projected onto Edinburgh Castle and Canary Wharf as well as travelled to Sweden and Mexico. It's a huge success story...more on that here.
Ian's work and your images will be projected onto a building in Dewsbury town centre, after dark, and a film created that we will share on social platforms. There is also a longer term plan for the work in the form of an outdoor exhibition to support the re-opening of Kirklees towns following lockdown.
We need a good number of images by Wed 17th to make this projection into something quite spectacular.
And whether you feel you are creative or not, you are invited to share an image that represents your hopes, prayers, thoughts or thanks for community at this time. You may consider the spirit of community that has been so essential during the response to the pandemic or your own personal reflections of this time.
Images will need to be of high-resolution, preference is 1920 x 1080 (1080p). Please send to batleyandspen@jocoxfoundation.org
For more information visit https://www.greatgettogether.org/save-the-date-2020/