Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 30 May 2022
Garfield Weston Foundation

The Garfield Weston Foundation supports a broad range of charities across the UK that make a positive difference. They fund a wide range of causes and charities and grants vary according to the size of the charity and the work being undertaken. Grants are available for Arts, Community, Education, Environment, Faith, Health, Museums & Heritage, Welfare and Youth.
The Foundation continues to support organisations that delight and inspire audiences across the UK. From small community theatre groups to national art galleries, the Foundation has long supported the nation’s cultural life.
They recognise that fundraising can be challenging and so the Foundation continues to make both Revenue and Capital grants to organisations that engage with a variety of audiences and that can demonstrate their impact and quality.
No funding deadline. Applications can be made throughout the year.
Full guidelines and an eligibility checklist are available on the website below.
For more information visit https://garfieldweston.org/
Opportunity Location
Website: https://garfieldweston.org/