Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 25 Sep 2017
Funding for innovation in the Circus Arts

The National Centre for Circus Arts has announced that the next round of its Lab:time programme has re-opened for applications. Lab:time is the Centre for Circus Arts programme for innovation and experimentation in the Circus Arts and is funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Through Lab:time individual artists and companies are able to secure research and development time in the Creation Studio at the National Centre for Circus Arts, as well as small but significant amounts of seed funding to support the first stages of exploration. It is hoped that by offering artists the means to explore their ideas at the very beginning of the creative process critical mass of creative development will be generated that will, over time, generate an increase in the quality and quantity of new circus-based performance across the UK.
The deadline for applications will be 5pm on the 25th September 2017.
For more information visit http://www.nationalcircus.org.uk/professional-artists/labtime