Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 27 Jan 2022
Free Webinar: Short Form Content for Social Media

Are you trying to understand what would be your best short form content for Facebook or for Twitter? Wondering which platform to use, and whether to try Tik Tok or Instagram Reels?
This Webinar offer ideas, and some fundamental dos and don’ts around developing and sharing great short form social media content. With talks, and plenty of time for Q&A, discover what can you do now, that’ll be sustainable over time.
What will be covered:
What trends are we noticing, and what can we learn from these?
What might success look like for you?
Key principles and tips for great short form social content.
Practical tips on creating, or using existing, content within current constraints.
Full details and to register for this webinar please follow the link below
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/short-form-content-for-social-media-registration-228853074707?utm_source=Arts+Pro&utm_medium=banner+ad&utm_campaign=Short+form+content+for+social+media