Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 25 Sep 2015
Five Day Course in Outdoor Arts

The National Association of Street Artists UK is holding The Outdoor Arts Lab: Words and Stories in the Great Outdoors - a 5 day course in Bristol this autumn (29 Sept - 3 Oct) - A Creative Journey exploring 3 routes:
Collaboration: exploring new ways for performers and writers to work together.
Language: investigating how spoken word, BSL, voice and gesture can combine
Technology: examining how pervasive media can enhance the audiences' experience.
This is a unique opportunity for performers, writers, poets, digital artists, games makers and others to experiment together.
Five free/reduced cost places are available for emerging artists under the age of 25 or those in the first two years of their career (NB applications for these places have to be in by Friday 31 July)
For further details or to book your place, please visit the webpage below.
For more information visit http://nasauk.org/outdoor-arts-lab/
Opportunity Location
Email: projects@nasauk.org
Website: http://nasauk.org/outdoor-arts-lab/