Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 08 Jan 2018
Development Funding for charities & social enterprises (UK)

Development Funding of up to £30,000 for charities & social enterprises (UK).
The Fore Trust has announced that its next round of funding will re-open for applications on the 11th December 2017. The Fore Trust is the only open-access funder in the UK offering development funding and strategic support to early-stage charities and social enterprises. The Fore will fund any UK registered charity, social enterprise or community interest company that is small (annual income less than £1m) and charitable. To apply for grants of up to £30,000, organisations must register at the start of each funding round. As numbers for each round are capped and applicants are selected on a on a first-come, first-serve basis, early registration is recommended. On successful registration, applicants are sent further details of the application process.
The closing date for applications will be the 8th January 2018.
For more information go to: https://www.thefore.org/charities/
For more information visit https://www.thefore.org/charities/
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Website: https://www.thefore.org/charities/