Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 07 Sep 2015
Creative Europe - Light Night Leeds Brief

Expressions of interest to this open call are invited from experienced professional artists, designers and organisations based in the UK to create a new piece of projection mapping work for this exciting European programme.
Leeds City Council is submitting a funding bid to Creative Europe as part of a consortium with 5 other European cities to support the development of European projection artists and light festivals.
If the consortium bid is successful, each partner will present 4 commissioned light projections in their city between June 2016 - March 2018. The Leeds projections will be hosted at the annual Light Night Leeds Festival in October and will complement the current programme of activities.
Expressions of interest to this open call are invited from experienced professional artists, designers and organisations based in the UK to create a new piece of projection mapping work for this exciting European programme.
For more information visit http://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/creative-europe--light-night-leeds-brief/347