Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 09 Jan 2017
Community Film Commission

Beam has been appointed by Bolsover District Council to deliver the commissioning of a community film project for the village of Doe Lea, Derbyshire, funded through section 106 monies from recent residential development.
The commission is to deliver an intergenerational film project with the residents of Doe Lea focused on fostering community awareness and understanding, and developing new skills. The project will result in a final short film, which whilst referencing the history of the village, is also forward looking and aspirational and of which residents can be proud.
The filmmaker will capture the voices of the current community of Doe Lea in a creative, stimulating and inspiring short film that will be screened at a community event and various other events and opportunities throughout the year. The filmmaker will work alongside Beam, and the Public Art Steering Group to shape the project creatively, presenting a wide range of voices, views and opinions, which will be communicated coherently through the film, utilizing a range of filmmaking techniques. Opportunities for the community to exchange and participate will be a key part of the process of the project.
Artist Fee: The total fee for the commission is £9,000.00 plus VAT (if applicable)
This fee includes project proposal development, engagement workshops and activities, delivery of final film, film launch event, attendance at meetings and all other costs associated with the work and expenses.
Deadline for applications: Monday 9th January 2017 – 9am
Read more at http://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/community-film-commission-doe-lea-bolsover/954
For more information visit http://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/community-film-commission-doe-lea-bolsover/954