Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 10 Feb 2017
Call Out For Applications: The Civic Circus Scratch

The Civic Circus Scratch is a unique opportunity for creators and performers in any art form with an element of circus practice to showcase new work and try it out, in front of a live audience of public, circus sector professionals and programmers. This is part of a one off Civic Scratch held at the Circus 62 regional Circus convention at Victoria Works Training space in Central Sheffield.
We are looking to host up to 4 companies/ artists to present work at early stage of development and of 5 - 15 minutes in length.
All work submitted must have minimal technical requirements, however full rigging is available.
Successful applicants will also receive free entrance to the Circus 62 gathering.
Public ticketing policy for the evening is Pay what you can afford, with proceeds split equally between all artists.
We have a small budget available to support selected companies and artists with expenses.
If you are an artist/company and are interested in applying please complete the proposal form.
For further info and an informal chat about the event/opportunity please contact our Theatre Programmer Ian Morley, ianmorley@barnsleycivic.co.uk / 01226 327000
Completed proposal should be received by 1pm Monday 6 February 2017
Selected artists will be informed by Friday 10 February 2017
More information: www.barnsleycivic.co.uk/artists/commissions-opportunities/scratch-opportunities
For more information visit http://www.barnsleycivic.co.uk/artists/commissions-opportunities/scratch-opportunities
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01226 327 000
Email: ianmorley@barnsleycivic.co.uk
Website: http://www.barnsleycivic.co.uk/artists/commissions-opportunities/scratch-opportunities