Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 30 Jun 2016

Becoming a Creative Dementia Arts Professional

Becoming a Creative Dementia Arts Professional

This one day workshop is geared to the needs of arts practitioners: artists, dancers, musicians, singers, poets and other socially engaged arts practitioners who have some experience in working with people with dementia or are interested in this field.

The aim of the day is to provide advice, guidance and information on key aspects of career development in arts and dementia for arts practitioners so that they can
1. Develop a personal Continuing Professional Development plan
2. Develop a strategy for marketing, promotion and funding of their work
3. Understand the legal framework for arts and dementia practice
4. Undertake a SWOT analysis as part of developing a Business Plan
5. Use reminiscence and life history to engage people with dementia
6. Select an appropriate evaluation framework for an art programme

Presentations of key topics will be followed by roundtables all facilitated by experts offering those attending opportunities to participate in more bespoke Q&A discussions tailored to their needs and circumstances. Our experts for the day include John Killick, who uses poetry as a medium for hearing the voices of people with dementia and Dr Kate Hamlin, of the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing who evaluated Dulwich Picture Gallery’s Good Times: Art for Older people community outreach programme.
CDAN looks forward to welcoming a maximum of 50 participants. Places are £50 each and include a CDAN resource pack + refreshments and lunch.

• Bookings at
• Accommodation at or
• All enquiries to CDAN workshop organiser: or on 07970 742062.

Full programme details will be sent out week beginning 6 June 2016.

Thursday 30 June 2016
10am – 4pm

Opportunity Location

North Oxford Association


Telephone: 07970 742 062

Opportunity Details



Opportunity Types

