Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 07 Sep 2015
Arts Practitioner, The Challenge

The Challenge are looking for dedicated individuals to assist young people in gaining confidence and experience in using their skills to serve their local community.
The Challenge is a fast-growing social enterprise that connects and inspires people across Britain to strengthen their communities. NCS with The Challenge is a programme that brings together young people from different backgrounds, builds their confidence, and challenges them to make a difference in their local community.
The Practitioner role will require facilitating a team of twelve young people working alongside a Senior Mentor each week as they complete their NCS Team Challenge. A successful practitioner will engage their team in the community visit as much as the skill they are learning.
The Challenge are looking for practitioners in the field of drama, enterprise, media, music, photography or sport.
Salary: £300
Location: Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield
Length of role: 3 days plus training
For more information visit http://www.ncsthechallenge.org/seasonal-roles