Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 25 Mar 2020
Arts Council Funding for Cultural Organisations

The Arts Council have announced that they will be providing the following funding for cultural organisations who have been impacted by Covid-19.
£90 million will be available to National Portfolio Organisations (NPOs). It is hoped organisations will use this funding to reboot their creative work, but it may be required to alleviate financial pressures on NPOs.
o All organisations within the Arts Council’s 2018-22 National Portfolio of Organisations (including Bands 1-3, and Sector Support Organisations) are eligible to apply
o Arts council expect NPOs who benefit from any such funding to show how they will support the freelance creative practitioners on whom they rely.
o funding will available to NPOs as soon as possible. Arts Council will contact all NPOs with a timeline “as soon as we can”.
£50 million to organisations that are not in receipt of regular funding from the Arts Council. Organisations who have applied to National Lottery Project Grants are welcome to apply for this support. This is for:
o Organisations with a track record in publicly funded culture. This fund is to support them to get back on their feet, or to continue making work in the future that will mean they can contribute to delivering our new strategy, Let’s Create.
o organisations who benefit from this fund will be expected to show how they will do all they can to support the freelance creative practitioners on whom they rely.
o NPOs and Music Education Hubs are not eligible to apply to this fund.
Guidance including the detailed timetable for this fund on Monday 30 March. Potential applicants will need to register by Friday 3 April.
£20 million of financial support available to individuals - see www.creativekirklees.com/creative-kirklees/arts-council-support-for-artists-creatives-freelancers for more information for individuals
For more information visit https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/covid19