Creative Hertfordshire / Opportunities / Fri 09 May 2014
Voluntary Arts Week - the countdown begins.

This year’s Voluntary Arts Week will take place from 9 to 18 May – so it’s time to think about how you could get involved! Voluntary Arts Week is an annual celebration of cultural creativity. It’s a way of showcasing what’s already happening across the UK and Republic of Ireland – and encouraging others to join in.
What could you do? Are you part of a group? Then why not show others what you do? Hold an open rehearsal or ’come and try’ session. This year, we have two exciting projects to get involved with:
• CraftBomb – decorate your area in colourful craft! Get together with fellow crafters to turn your local parks and buildings into a riot of colour.
• Flashmob – bring a smile to people’s faces by bursting into song, dance or any kind of performance when people least expect it.
How can you find out more?
The Voluntary Arts Week website is currently being updated. When it’s ready to go in mid-March, you can add your own events, check out what others are doing, and download resources such as the CraftBomb and Flashmob packs to help you plan your event.
Keep up to date on Twitter @volartsweek. Read more at www.voluntaryartsweek.org
For more information visit http://www.voluntaryartsweek.org/
Opportunity Location
Website: http://www.voluntaryartsweek.org/