Communities 1st / Events / Thu 20 May 2021
Recruiting Retaining and Managing Volunteers

This interactive and engaging one-day course will explore the challenges of recruiting, retaining and managing volunteers. It is ideal for staff who have this responsibility as their role.
We have split the course into two halves to give participants more choice
Morning: Recruiting Volunteers
Topics include:
1. Volunteer motivation
2. Writing role descriptions
3. Writing recruitment adverts
4. Selection process
5. Induction and support
Book Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrcu-qrzkiHd0kkTBOPGF88FvmAQj6BmqE
Afternoon: Managing Volunteers
Topics include:
1. Volunteer Supervision
2. Managing changing motivations
3. Dealing with challenging or difficult behaviour
4. Saying “Goodbye”
5. Rewarding and recognising volunteers
Book Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvd-ihrDIqE9X2LO_Muu30WLTIyHEZKOlW
For more information visit https://volunteeringherts.uk/
Event Location
Telephone: 01707 274 861
Email: c.dillon@whcvs.org.uk
Website: https://volunteeringherts.uk/