Chichester Copywriter / Events / Sat 06 to Sun 07 Apr 2013 (2 days)
Chichester Copywriter’s Writers’ Retreat II

Chichester Copywriter’s Writers’ Retreat II, 6th-7th April, 2013
Do you want to inspire your Creative Writing this spring?
Come along to our Writers’ Retreat Weekend in April, 2013!
Who?: Budding wordsmiths and all those interested in writing. Want to brush up on your penmanship? Want some peace and quiet to get those chapters finished? Want to meet some likeminded creatives? This is certain be your cup of Earl Grey!
What?: A Writers’ Retreat with interactive creative writing workshops, informative talks and free writing time in an inspirational location. You will get the chance to take in the stunning coastal and countryside surroundings, enjoy the fresh air and get that pen to paper.
Where?: Cobnor Activities Centre, Chidham, nr Chichester, West Sussex. Cobnor is situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty within Chichester Harbour. See Cobnor Activities Centre’s website for details of facilities and see: Chichester Harbour Conservancy for details on the area.
When?: Saturday 6th April- Sunday 7th April, 2013
How much?:
Tickets for Saturday (access to all workshops and talks with lunch on Saturday only): £80 (£72 for bookings before 15th February)
Tickets for Sunday (access to all workshops and talks with lunch on Sunday only): £80 (£72 for bookings before 15th February)
Tickets for Weekend (access to all workshops and talks with lunch on Saturday and Sunday): £150 (£140 for bookings before 15th February)
• Getting Inspired to Write: Looking Outside with Cathy Watts (2 hour workshop and a 30-45 minute walk) - Specifically looking at nature and the elements, vibrant children’s writer Cathy will help you to consider the things all around us that inspire creative writing. This session will also include a walk around Cobnor Point (weather permitting!) and a group writing exercise.
• Starting Out - How to Hook your Reader and Keep them Hooked with Penelope Bush (2 hour workshop) - Penelope will use her experience as a successful writer of three YA novels to: guide you in finding ideas for your plot, provide tips on how to find your own voice and that of your character, and show - through a series of exercises - how to make your characters come alive.
• Getting Inspired to Write: Looking Inside with Denise Bennett (2 hour workshop) - During this interactive workshop, award-winning poet Denise will encourage you to consider memories, keepsakes and other inspirations and will guide you through a writing exercise to start the creativity flowing.
• From Writing to Therapy: The Power of Non-Fiction with Mary Atkinson (1 hour talk) - Mary, a local award-winning complementary therapist, tutor and published author of four books on massage, will talk about her journey from feature writer and celebrity interviewer for national women's magazines to the world of complementary therapy. Mary will also discuss her latest project – a simple book written in association with a Japanese charity 'Cocoro' to help raise awareness of some of the mental health issues suffered by children affected by the 2011 tsunami in Japan.
• Marketing and PR Tips for Writers with Rachel Soothill of BrightWord Communications and Katy Lassetter of Chichester Copywriter (1 hour talk) - These two West Sussex-based marketing professionals and keen wordsmiths will not only provide you with top tips on how to connect online with fellow writers in order to encourage each other’s creativity but they will also offer invaluable advice on how to build awareness of writing projects and author brands as well as revealing gems on how to promote books successfully.
What’s more…
• Plenty of space and free time to write either outside at the water’s edge, inside the Jubilee Building looking over the water or in the classroom, with full IT facilities, including laptops and WIFI access.
• Excellent home-made lunches daily - including a sumptuous cream tea with home-made scones and cakes.
• FREE on-site parking or FREE transport to and from Chichester train station daily can be arranged (must be arranged in advance, limited spaces available).
Surely that will get your creative juices flowing?
Places are limited so please contact: Katy@ChichesterCopywriter.co.uk or call Katy on: 01243 533421 to book today. Full payment will be required to secure your place.
Please leave a comment below if you have any suggestions for this Writers' Retreat, any future Chichester Copywriter Writers' Retreats or any of our Creative Writing Workshops.
For more information visit http://www.chichestercopywriter.co.uk/2013/01/the-line-up-for-chichester-copywriter%E2%80%99s-writers%E2%80%99-retreat-ii/