Callaloo Carnival Arts / News / Fri 17 Feb 2017
Callaloo Jam #3 excites local audiences!

Our last Callaloo Jam on 4th February was very much to the taste of local audience member, Jenifer Devlin, who was so impressed with the event that she wrote to her local newspaper in praise of our work. Imagine our delight when we read this great review in the local press, under the heading ‘Exciting poetry on our doorstep’.
With the help of a small grant from Kirklees’ Arts in the Neighbourhood fund, we are offering something truly exciting in Dewsbury Town Centre.
Our special International Women’s Day Jam on 4th March promises to be extra sweet!
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1155201801264113/
News Location
Callaloo HQ
29, Westgate, Dewsbury
WF13 1JQ
Telephone: 07847 314 837
Email: callaloo@ministryofsoca.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1155201801264113/