BSO / Events / Fri 11 Jan 2013 to Wed 11 Jan 2012 (-365 days)
New Year Viennese Gala

See in the New Year with the BSO’s traditional celebration of Viennese classics.
What better way to enjoy the New Year than witht he BSO's definitive celebration of the 'Waltz King' Johann Strauss and his sparkling legacy, hosted by conductor Günther Bauer-Schenk who will guide you through the evening with his mix of charm and elegance.
Let all the greatest dance favourites from Strauss II waltz you away into the wintry world of nineteenth century Vienna with an enchanting mix of classics including the You and You Waltz from Die Fledermaus, Tritsch-Tratsch and Thunder & Lightening Polkas, The Merry Wives of Windsor Overture, The Emperor Waltz, Annen Polka, The Gypsy Baron Overture and perhaps the best-known waltz of all time, The Blue Danube.
Stephan Ander will be on hand to add some Austrian authenticity toTales from the Vienna Woods, offering some scintillating zither playing to make your new year that little bit more memorable.
For more information visit
Event Location
Riviera International Centre
Telephone: 01803 299 992