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Bryce Dumont fingers in many pies [which is better than fingers in magpies]

I am a composer, musician, writer, poet, studio engineer, producer, filmmaker, dramatiser, etc.

I'm currently working on a music project that incorporates original compositions with poetry from some of the best original poets I've worked with in the many Word Command events I've been a part of. I'm also writing a novel, various kids books, and co-writing a musical and radio show, and eventually directing a short film when all the pre-production is done. Some of these should be finished and available this year, others might be a bit more long-term.

I also co-run Epicentre Book Cafe in Paignton, Torbay's only vegetarian cafe, second hand bookshop, and arts venue. We're a social enterprise where all the profits from the food, drink, book, and art sales go to funding creative art projects and free/cheap workshops and art groups for the creative community of Torbay. You can come in for a coffee and a read, you can display and sell your art, you can have a filling lunch or an egg and dairy free cafe [we also do gluten free cakes]. All food is handmade at Epicentre and we don't use nasty preservatives or e-numbers.

Check out the shop and what else I do here:

Links and audio and video is forth coming when I have time to update it a bit.

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My News

Music on-line / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2011-02-19T00:00:00Z">Sat 19 Feb 2011</span>Music on-line / Sat 19 Feb 2011

About 6 months before I moved to England, I completed an album of my music. I gave hand numbered copies to friends and family for Christmas and then m...

My Audio

Bryce Dumont - Thmig

A classical guitar and electronic music piece written and recorded in 2005. It featured in the end credits of the film Man Cub.