Batley Art Gallery

Batley Art Gallery / Events / Sat 25 Oct to Sat 22 Nov 2014 (1 month)

Paula Chambers "With Intent: Fanciful Objects"

Paula Chambers "With Intent: Fanciful Objects"

Sculpture dealing with social themes through playful, witty and simultaneously disturbing juxtapositions of imagery.

"With Intent: Fanciful Objects" is an exhibition of a collection of sculptural works that have as their basis domestic objects that have been subverted, deconstructed and re-appropriated by the artist with the intention of questioning the assumed gendered nature of domestic space. In the 1970s feminism extorted women to leave their homes and families to live a freer more fulfilling life. It was seen that home and the role of housewife were a form of imprisonment and repression for many women, yet these were the very same women who had been brought up to see themselves solely as caregivers. Now 40 years later these notions are being reassessed in light of the rise of the "Domestic Goddess", of a renewed interest in home crafts and home making. This leaves the children of the women's movement in an uncomfortable position; our feelings towards the domestic are both ambivalent and ironic. It is from this perspective that Paula Chambers makes her sculptural objects, with wit and humour, with an attention to detail in both imagery and process, and with a knowing nod to the feminists of the 1970s who left home to seek their freedom, only to return when the pull of nostalgia became too strong to resist.

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Event Location

Batley Art Gallery

Market Place
WF17 5DA

Telephone: 01924 326 021

Event Details
