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Hello fellow creatives,
My name is Trevor Timbs and I am the author of four published works namely, 'Lallapaloosa', Salford Sunrise', 'POLICY', and '30sexhours'. I am currently finalising 'The Removal Man', which will be released in the New Year. I write under my own name and all of my books and synopsis can be located on Amazon. I retired in October of 2009 due to arterial disease but have had great fun writing and now have more time to complete works that have been simmering on the back burner for twelve years. In my previous life I was Clerk of Works with Torbay Architects Dept', founder of 'Cordon Bleu' and 'House of Tiles' and owner of a steel works in Taloja, Mumbai. My latest novel, 'The Removal Man', is a story based on the diaries of James Sutherland, a Government assassin. Because of its unique storyline and dialogue driven, it is in my opinion the perfect film script material.

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