Artizan / Opportunities / Wed 16 Mar 2016
An Evening With The Anonymous Artist

To compliment our exhibition,'The Anonymous Artist', we are looking to host an evening talk on the subject of identity and art on 04-04-16. We are seeking confident speakers who would be willing to deliver anything from a 10-minute to 1-hour long talk or presentation to an audience of around 30 people, either broadly on this subject or specifically in relation to their own work and process (we would be able to offer a fee to any one speaker interested in leading a longer talk). We would be seeking between 2 and 8 speakers to be a part of this event.
Anyone interested in participating should visit our submissions page and fill in the following details:
All contact details
Exhibition Applied For: The Anonymous Artist Talk
Name of Piece: Title of Talk
Media of Piece: Topic of Talk
Dimensions: Length of Talk
Price: “NA”
Upload box: A word document or pdf with a minimum 100-word outline of your proposed talk.
If you or anyone you know would be interested and would like further details, please get in touch.
(01803) 428626
Submissions of artwork or talk proposals can be made at artizangallery.co.uk/submissions
For more information visit http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/submissions
Opportunity Location
Artizan Gallery
7 Lucius Street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: juliebrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/submissions