Artizan / Events / Mon 13 Jun 2016
Portraits for Beginners at Artizan Gallery

Most will know Michael McCord for his abstract work, having exhibited pieces with us many times at the gallery most notable in a mixed abstract exhibition at the end of 2015. But his talents do not stop here and we’re delighted to have him leading this introductory session at the gallery which will begin to look at some of the techniques required for portraiture. We hope this will be the start of a series of sessions which will go on to thoroughly explore the practice but for now this is a one off class.
Attendees need to bring 3b and 4b pencil plus charcoal and cartridge paper and prebooking is advised.
Reduced fee for advanced bookings.
Fully licensed café.
Session fee: £5/£6
For more information visit http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/article/359-other-peoples-faces-a-portrait-exhibition
Event Location
artizan gallery
7 Lucius Street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: jacobbrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.artizangallery.co.uk/article/359-other-peoples-faces-a-portrait-exhibition