Artistsmeet / Events / Thu 16 to Tue 28 Apr 2015 (2 weeks)
Young Masters presents...The Film Box and The Art Box

We are excited to introduce Young Masters at Artistsmeet, two overlapping exhibitions dedicated to the work of young people.
Thursday 16th April - Thursday 28th April
Young Masters presents...The Film Box and The Art Box
The launch of Three Rivers District Council’s Youth Arts Programme- funded by the Royal Opera House Bridge has seen groups of young people from local areas getting creative with digital technologies.
Artistsmeet will feature storyboards, sketchbooks and graphic design work from The Film Box and a selection of photographs taken during the Smartphone Photography day at The Art Box.
Open during Watersmeet Box Office hours, 10am-4pm Monday to Friday
Entry is free.
For information on the first part of the exhibition, search for Young Masters presents...Rickmansworth School!
Visit http://www.threerivers.gov.uk/egcl-page/arts-and-culture for more information on The Art Box activities.
Event Location
High Street,
Telephone: 01923 776 611
Email: elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk