Artistsmeet / Events / Wed 06 May to Sun 28 Jun 2015 (2 months)
Spring: Solo exhibition by Molly Hagan

'Spring' solo exhibition
Molly Hagan
6th May - 28th June
Inspired by patterns found in nature and human existence, Molly creates intricate paper cut outs and 3D installations that are suspended, experimenting with light, shadow and perception of space.
The documentation of these patterns through photography and drawing leads to images being layered and silhouetted, then cut out b hand to produce the finished pieces.
Molly's work can be viewed at www.mollyhagan.co.uk
Open during Watersmeet Box Office hours, 10am-4pm Monday to Friday
Entry is free.
Not to be missed, we are also hosting a Print and Natter event on Wednesday 6th May from 11am-1pm, where you can join us for coffee, cake and creativity at the exhibition launch. Meet the artist and take part in her lino printing taster session!
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/artistsmeet
Event Location
High Street
Telephone: 01923 776 611
Email: elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk
Website: https://www.facebook.com/artistsmeet