45 Southside Gallery / Events / Sat 22 Sep to Tue 30 Oct 2018 (1 month)
Raku Exhibition 2018

This autumn 45 Southside's exhibition focuses on raku fired ceramics.
Five talented Devon and Cornwall based, artists showing their latest raku work.
The raku technique originates from 16th century Japan and is a process in which pottery that once fired and then removed from the kiln is subjected to post-firing reduction (or smoking) by being placed in containers of combustible materials such as sawdust. The smoke blackens raw clay and causes crazing in the glaze surface. The crazing is a distinctive feature particular to the raku technique and a certain amount of unpredictability to this process makes every piece unique. Due to this processes the finished pottery has an aroma of ambers.
The gallery also welcomes a new artist; California born Mary Kaun-English. She creates pit-fired and burnished sculptural pieces, a technique in which clay is polished to a beautiful sheen without the use of glaze.
The participating artists are Dan Chapple, Sarah McCormack, Tim Welbourne, Christina Peters and Mary Kaun-English all creating their unique style using a similar firing technique.
Works on display are classical shapes and forms, animal figurines (watch the tapirs), cottages, double-walled bowls, vases, bottles and abstract sculptural pieces all showing off their distinctive raku features.
The exhibition will run from 22nd September to 30th October 2018. The opening view is on Saturday 22nd September from 3pm to 6pm, all are welcome.
For more information visit http://www.45southside.co.uk/raku-exhibition-2018/
Event Location
45 Southside Gallery
45 Southside Street
Telephone: 01752 224 974
Email: arts@45southside.co.uk
Website: http://www.45southside.co.uk/raku-exhibition-2018/