YagaART / Events / Sat 28 Mar 2020
Children of Huddersfield Art - art workshop and exhibition

This event is all about bringing child’s magic to life. How many of you are holding your child’s artwork on the fridge? Some of you may think it is cute, some of you may have strong emotional connection with it and some of you may think- hmm my child is pretty good at this. Why not give them a chance to present their artwork to greater public?
I am an artist and a parent of a little artist and I would love to see our children’s art brightening up people’s faces. I would also love to see how children approach the art project when given a subject to work on which is – My Huddersfield
This event will let them do it in different environment and with like minded young artists. And the reward is their artwork to be exhibited in the public place and admired by many people.
Please read below several important T&Cs.
To take part in Art Workshop, the minimum age of attendee is 7 and maximum 18 the event will take place in Unit 16 at The Piazza - Huddersfield on 28 of March 2020 between the hours 11am and 2pm. Child may stay for entire 3 hours or choose to leave earlier.
You may choose to come later than the start of the event however the latest admission is at 13.00 Children under the age of 12 must be attended by the responsible parent/carer at all times. No children under the age of 7 will be permitted to take part in workshop however families with well behaving younger siblings may be allowed to stay with the participating child under the discretion of the organiser.
There is also a chance to create art work at home/school earlier and submit ready project to the organiser by 20Th of March 2020
There is no minimum age limit to provide child’s artwork made at home for the purpose of the exhibition. The artwork can also be a school project.
All the art work for the purpose of the exhibition must be:
Size A4, A3 or A2, on paper, canvas, fabric or other lightweight material that is no bigger than the sizes already mentioned.
The artwork can be a painting, drawing, collage or any mixed media provided that there aren’t any loose or sharp elements that could cause an injury.
All artwork must be signed with child’s name and age, and parents contact details provided at the back ( No data will be held by the organiser and this information is required only for the copyright purpose and in the event the artwork was not collected back).
For school collaborative projects, please sign the names and ages of all children at the back of the project and the name and phone number of the school – the additional information card will be created for the purpose of the exhibition.
All artwork made at home/school must be submitted by 20Th of March – late entries may be considered but are not guaranteed.
The exhibition will start on 24th of March at 12.30 and artwork must be collected back by 10th of April 12.30pm
We will aim to exhibit all of the artwork produced, if due to the quantity of entries this would be impossible the artwork may be exhibited at different time and different venue.
We will be working with paints, crayons and pencils with products attested for use by children. All participants need to observe and follow Health and Safety regulations at all times. No food or drink will be allowed at the premises.
Any questions write to crafty.home@yahoo.com
Event Location
The Piazza
Unit 16 The Piazza, Princess Alexandra Walk
Telephone: 07421 122 314
Email: crafty.home@yahoo.com