
WYPrintWorkshop / Events / Thu 17 Aug 2017

Family Storytelling Event ‘The Snail House’ with Gillian Tyler

Family Storytelling Event ‘The Snail House’ with Gillian Tyler

Family Storytelling Event ‘The Snail House’ with Gillian Tyler

Wednesday 17th August 2- 3pm

Listen to a story read by illustrator Gillian Tyler. Meet some real live snails and have ago at drawing them!

Summer Holiday Family Storytelling event and workshop for under 8s and their parents or carers.

The Snail House by Alan Ahlberg, illustrated by Gillian Tyler

Imagine getting so small that you could leave your house by a crack under the door and live in your own private snail house. Imagine the adventures you might have – now picture yourself on the veranda one warm summer’s evening, with Michael, Hannah and the baby, as Grandma begins her story.

This summer West Yorkshire Print Workshop celebrate the Art of Children’s illustration with Frogs Bears and Unicorns exhibition and a series of family storytelling events and children’s workshops.

The exhibition features the work of Lisa Stubbs and Gillian Tyler. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet Gillian and hear her read this classic children’s book The Snail House.

This workshop costs only £3 for under 8s plus a parent or carer.

Refreshments included.

Book online or Tel: 01924 497646

For more information visit http://www.wypw.org/shop/family-storytelling-event-snail-house-gillian-tyler-summer-holiday-childrens-workshops-copy/

Event Location

West Yorkshire Print Workshop

75A Huddersfield Road, Mirfield
WF14 8AT

Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: info@wypw.org
Website: http://www.wypw.org/shop/family-storytelling-event-snail-house-gillian-tyler-summer-holiday-childrens-workshops-copy/

Event Details
