WYPrintWorkshop / News / Mon 16 Mar 2020
Print your own Posy For Mother's Day!

Final week to book onto our special Mothers Day print workshop 'Print Your Own Posey' with artist Jo Blaker!
Saturday 21st March 2020
10am – 3pm
For Beginners
Working with the simple process of linocut; a relief process where the surface of a lino block is carved away to create a multi layered ‘stamp’; you will create a posy of personally selected and carved flowers and lovingly print your very own posy – perfect as a card or art print to be framed.
Roses, daisies or beautiful bright tulips it’s totally up to you; your talented tutor will guide you through the whole process and provide you with some hand templates to print your flowers so that they can be ‘held’ exactly in the arrangement you want.
Find out more at www.wypw.org
For more information visit https://wypw.org/product/printyourownposy/
News Location
West Yorkshire Print Workshop
75A Huddersfield Road
WF14 8AT
Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: fabian@wypw.org
Website: https://wypw.org/product/printyourownposy/