Thursday 28th April 2022
6pm – 9pm
Come and get your hands inky and your creativity flowing in this taster session workshop which will introduce you to the technique of lino etching.
Lino etching is a relief printing process that uses caustic soda paste to etch into lino blocks. This technique can be a good addition to traditional cut lino. You will experiment with mark-making through the use of simple ‘resists’, a way of protecting areas of your block against the caustic. This can produce a wide range of tonal marks. Once your blocks are etched, you will be guided through inking and printing, with the opportunity to explore colour inking and multi-layered prints, producing 2-3 prints each on good quality paper to take home.
Our taster sessions offer a brief introduction to some of the key printmaking techniques practiced here at WYPW, and a glimpse into the processes involved in creating hand-made prints. You will be guided and encouraged by experienced artists who use printmaking in their own art practice, in a professionally equipped workshop setting.
Your tutor: Fabian Osborne
For more information visit https://wypw.org/product/taster-lino-etching/
Event Location
West Yorkshire Print Workshop
75A Huddersfield Road
WF14 8AT
Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: fabian@wypw.org
Website: https://wypw.org/product/taster-lino-etching/