WYPrintWorkshop / News / Mon 11 Dec 2017
WYPWcourses - Explore Drawing and Photo-Etching – February

Explore Drawing and Photo-Etching
Weekend course
Saturday 10th / Sunday 11th February 2018
11 – 4
want to expand and develop your artistic practice through printmaking? Why not try out our 'Explore Drawing and Photo-Etching' weekend course with Kathryn Desforges Artist / Printmaker!
Photo-etching is a welcome alternative to complicated and sometimes hazardous print processes. Drawings and collages can be translated easily and quickly into high-quality intaglio prints. The process can be used on its own, or as an additional technique to use in conjunction with traditional etching or other printmaking techniques, making it both a great way to start off with etching, and a valuable additional skill for experienced printmakers.
We still have a space available!
To find out more about this course and others, see the link below-
For more information visit http://www.wypw.org/shop/explore-drawing-photo-etching-february/
News Location
West Yorkshire Print Workshop
75A Huddersfield Road, Mirfield
WF14 8AT
Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: info@wypw.org
Website: http://www.wypw.org/shop/explore-drawing-photo-etching-february/