
WYPrintWorkshop / Events / Sat 11 to Sun 12 Jul 2015 (2 days)

Ethcing Weekend hosted by Jenny Thomas

Ethcing Weekend hosted by Jenny Thomas

Join artist and printmaker Jenny Thomas for this innovative weekend course, exploring ways of making relief printed images using a caustic soda paste to etch linoleum. Lino etching is a very painterly technique, capable of producing gestural marks and gradations of tone. It can also be combined with traditional cutting methods using lino tools. The course co-incides with an exhibition of Jenny’s work in the WYPW gallery.

Caustic soda etches or ‘bites’ into the surface of the lino block to various depths, according to the length of time it remains in contact with the lino block. A wide range of tonal marks can be created, from white (negative) to grey (half tone). The lino may also be protected from the caustic etch by the application of a range of materials which will resist the etching process. The resulting areas will print black.

Jenny Thomas is studio holder here at West Yorkshire Print Workshop, and uses the facilities for printing. She trained as a painter at Leeds and Birmingham colleges of art, and was taught lino cutting by her father. She now works mainly with relief printing, experimenting with materials and techniques, and hopes the course will encourage you to experiment also.

For more information visit http://bit.ly/1IAVctg

Event Location

West Yorkshire Print Workshop

75A Huddersfield Road
West Yorkshire
WF14 8AT

Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: info@wypw.org
Website: http://bit.ly/1IAVctg

Event Details
