
WYPrintWorkshop / Opportunities / Tue 08 Nov 2016

Donations Box Commission

Donations Box Commission

Artist’s Brief


West Yorkshire Print Workshop has been successful in obtaining ACE Catalyst Evolve funding. The aim of the funding is to increase donations and giving to our organisation to ensure sustainable development. We aim to increase the amount donated by visitors to the Workshop, and for every £ given, ACE will also donate £. Recent research has concluded that having static donations boxes does not encourage giving. However, donations boxes which encourage interaction are much more successful.

The Brief

We want to commission an artist to design and build a donations box, or set of boxes, for the organisation.

There is no restriction on the type of material to be used, but the size of the box should be not more than 1000mm (h) x 500mm (w) x 500mm (d).

The design should reflect the WYPW brand and ‘printmaking’. It should encourage giving of notes as well as coins, and be interactive/entertaining in some way for adults and children.


8 November 2016 – Deadline for submissions

End November 2016 – Short listed candidates to present ideas to selection panel

December 2016 – Successful artist notified and commissioned

January – March 2016 – Construction of donations box

March 2016 – Unveiling of new donations box at an event to launch the Catalyst project


£500 to include concept ideas, design, construction and materials.

Please submit concept ideas as a PDF by 8th November 2016 to: martyn@wypw.org

For more information visit http://www.wypw.org/

Opportunity Location

West Yorkshire Print Workshop

75A Huddersfield Road, Mirfield
WF14 8AT

Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: info@wypw.org
Website: http://www.wypw.org/

Opportunity Details
