WYPrintWorkshop / News / Mon 05 Oct 2015
Day 1- 'Celebrating the Ordinary' FREE family Drop-in activity

Tomorrow will be the first day of our drop-in FREE family activity 'Celebrating the Ordinary'!
A weekly drop-in printing session taking place on a TUESDAY, through out five weeks.
Oct 6,13, 20, 27 & 3 Nov Tuesdays 3.30pm -5.30pm
A chance to have some fun with various printmaking techniques including drypoint, blockprint, monoprint and collagraph using inspiration from our daily lives.
Run by artist Shaeron Caton-Rose, the final prints will be made into a book sculpture which will go on show alongside other art pieces made by students from Hollybank School, the brothers at the Community of the Resurrection and the artist herself. You will also have your own handmade prints to take home and will have the opportunity to make them into your own artist’s book to keep.
So pop in and get stuck into some printmaking!
“All materials provided, please bring an apron or wear suitable clothing."
For more information visit http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=44c923c13614aff0605262dd1&id=87d49c47e3
News Location
West Yorkshire Print Workshop
75A Huddersfield Road, Mirfield,
WF14 8AT
WF14 8AT
Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: info@wypw.org
Website: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=44c923c13614aff0605262dd1&id=87d49c47e3