Chichester Cathedral / Events / Sat 12 Sep 2015
'See behind the Scenes' at Chichester Cathedral

Come and see behind the scenes between 13:00 and 16:00 at Chichester Cathedral. As part of the Heritage Open Day, areas normally closed to the public will be open to visitors, including the Song School and Cathedral Library and the Bishop's Chapel (40 spiral stairs up to the Song School and Library). Entry is free and all are welcome.
For more information visit http://www.chichestercthedral.org.uk/
Event Location
Chichester Cathedral
Chichester Cathedral, West Street
Chichester, West Sussex
PO19 1RP
Telephone: 01243 782 595
Email: info@chichestercathedral.org.uk
Website: http://www.chichestercthedral.org.uk/