Chichester Cathedral / Events / Tue 22 Sep 2015
Lunchtime Concert at Chichester Cathedral - Dexter Kennedy

Come and hear Dexter Kennedy at 13:10 on Tuesday 22nd September perform a number of pieces on the organ at Chichester Cathedral. Dexter Kennedy is the winner of the Grand Prize for Interpretation at the 24th International Organ Competition at Chartres, which is arguably one of the most prestigious organ competitions in the world. All are welcome and entry is free (retiring collection).
For more information visit http://www.chichestercathedral.org.uk/
Event Location
Chichester Cathedral
Chichester Cathedral, West Street
Chichester, West Sussex
PO19 1RP
Telephone: 01243 782 595
Email: info@chichestercathedral.org.uk
Website: http://www.chichestercathedral.org.uk/