Creatives Across Sussex / Events / Wed 05 Oct 2011
'Strategic Commissioning'

The South East Cultural Improvement Forum are holding an event offering a practical look at 'Strategic Commissioning' in the cultural sector this October.
Date & Time: 5 October 2011, 10.30am - 2.30pm
Venue: Arts Council England, Great Peter Street, London
"Strategic Commissioning is here to stay and offers the sector huge opportunities and at the same time poses real challenges. Traditionally culture and sport have been good at delivering outputs for Adults' and Children's Services, Health and Social Services. From getting people back into work to removing the barriers to educational attainments and positively affecting mental health and physical wellbeing, the examples of successful cultural projects are too numerous to mention. But the sector needs to change how it operates if it is to meet the needs of Commissioners and take advantage of these new opportunities.
The recent White Paper on Open Public Services talks about 'Open Commissioning' and choice, diversity of provision, fair access and a strengthened role for local authorities. In this new world of Strategic Commissioning with its focus on outcomes rather than outputs, how do small cultural and sport organisations get to know about the opportunities, let alone tender for the work? How do cultural professionals help them to be informed and to use the right language to be successful?
This day on Strategic Commissioning will give you a practical hands-on look at Commissioning across local services, both from the point of view of Commissioners and Commissionees. You've heard the theory - but how does it work in practice?"
For the full agenda and details of how to book please visit the link below.
For more information visit http://www.winchester.gov.uk/LeisureAndCulture/SouthEastCulturalImprovementForum/General.asp?id=SX9452-A785B3B2&cat=10959
Event Location
Arts Council England
Great Peter Street