WOVEN is a celebration of innovation in textiles across Kirklees from 8-16 June that has been initiated by Kirklees Council in partnership and collaboration with festival curators HATCH, cultural organisations, artists, education settings, businesses, industry and heritage sites across Kirklees.
WOVEN’s theme is generations of innovators, connecting a strong heritage with today’s innovative developments in industry, university research, a strong arts and crafts scene and the creative expression of the district's rich and diverse communities.
To ensure that WOVEN represents the Kirklees district and to make sure that EVERYONE is connected to the festival we need your support.
WOVEN is looking for enthusiastic volunteers from across the district to be the face of WOVEN. We need volunteers to support the set-up of events and activities, to be present at public facing events, help direct people between activities and around the district, write blogs, make vlogs, and much more.
Expenses will be paid up to a maximum of £5/day on days when you are volunteering.
We will be holding briefing events for volunteers on the following dates, you will only need to attend one of these events:
Tuesday 14 May: 10am to 12pm and 5pm to 7pm at Lawrence Batley Theatre in Huddersfield
Saturday 18 May: 3pm to 5pm at Lawrence Batley Theatre in Huddersfield
Sunday 19 May: 11am - 1pm at Brigantia in Empire House in Dewsbury
All members of the WOVEN team will be festival hosts, whose role is to be welcoming and friendly at all times and to go the extra mile to help us all make WOVEN a great working and visitor experience. And we'll have a lot of fun doing it.
WOVEN Volunteers will receive a WOVEN TEAM T-shirt, lanyard for your rota and important contact information, as well as support from HATCH and WOVEN event partners. Expenses will be paid up to £5 per day for volunteers. When you're not volunteering WOVEN welcomes you to take part in events and enjoy the festival with entry to ticketed events at a discounted rate and an invitation to the closing night party.
You can sign up through our website (see below) Alternatively you can email Kirklees Council’s Creative Economy Team arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk or if you don’t have access to a computer, telephone 01484 221000 and ask for the Creative Economy Team.
For more information visit https://woveninkirklees.co.uk/get-involved/volunteering
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01484 221 000
Email: arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: https://woveninkirklees.co.uk/get-involved/volunteering