A chance to hear from Upcycle Fashion’s Julia Roebuck
Thu, 23 April 2020
14:00 – 15:00
DurIng this difficult and unprecedented time, WOVEN is bringing you a selection of online events. Every month we’ll be hosting a Go & See event - remotely. The idea is for one member of the WOVEN community to share their passion with the rest of us. And for you to ask them questions. These Go & See events will feature a different person each time: an artist, a maker, someone from a local business, a museums worker., a curator, a crafter... All of our members have expertise in the field of textiles and we want to hear and learn from them.
April’s Go & See will feature Julia Roebuck from Upcycle Fashion. Julia will be talking about the importance of upcycling in a circular economy and opportunities within communities to utilise unwanted textiles.
The Go & See event will be on Zoom. We’ll send you a link to attend the Zoom meeting the day before. If you haven’t used Zoom before and need assistance, let us know. The event is hosted by Tom Bailey. After a brief introduction Tom will hand over to Julia who will share her passion. After 20 minutes there will be a chance to ask questions. The event should last about 45 minutes.
For more information and to register see the Eventbrite link below.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/woven-go-see-upcycle-fashion-tickets-102707290270