WOVEN is a celebration of innovation in textiles across Kirklees and is funded by Kirklees Council. The first festival took place in June 2019 as a pilot and was enormously successful, engaging participants and audiences and starting to communicate the fascinating stories within the thriving textile industry and community across the district.
WOVEN will now be a biennial festival and we are starting to build for the next big event in 2021, with some longer term projects and partner events happening between now and then.
We would like to engage a PR professional to support the festival, initially for the next six months (April – end Sept 2020), with an option to extend the contract further.
Aims for April – Sept:
- Work with WOVEN curators to translate what we want to communicate about the festival and textiles in Kirklees more broadly into news hooks and editorial content.
- Build a profile for WOVEN targeting relevant local, regional, national and specialist titles, securing at least one national news story or feature
- Work with WOVEN curators and partners to publicise events programmed before end of September, focussing on regional media
- Work with our social media freelancer to ensure consistency between different forms of media
To apply:
Please send an outline to woven@hatchprojects.org.uk (no more than 2 sides of A4 please) describing how you would approach the brief. Please include an estimate of how much time you would allocate to the brief and what your fee would be for the six month period. Please also send a CV or details or your previous relevant experience.
Deadline: 5pm Thursday 5 March 2020
Interviews: Friday 13 March
Anticipated start date: Mon 30 March 2020
If you would like to talk to one of the festival curators about WOVEN or to discuss the role in more detail, please email us on woven@hatchprojects.org.uk
For more information visit https://woveninkirklees.co.uk/marketing-role
Opportunity Location
Email: woven@hatchprojects.org.uk
Website: https://woveninkirklees.co.uk/marketing-role