Worthing WOW

Worthing WOW / Events / Sat 04 Jun 2016

Poetry with Mimi Khalvati & Amarjit Chandan

Poetry with Mimi Khalvati & Amarjit Chandan

Wordthing presents
Mimi Khalvati is an Iranian-born British poet who has published eight collections of
verse (The Meanest Flower, The Weather Wheel) and is the founder of The Poetry
School in London.

She is reading with Punjabi poet, editor and translator Amarjit Chandan, who returns to Worthing with his latest collection The Parrot, The Horse and The Man. Chandan was one of the ten British poets selected by Andrew Motion, the Poet Laureate, for the National Poetry Day in 2001.

tickets: £7/£5 from www.westsussexwriters.co.uk
times: 6pm to 7.30pm

supported by Arts Council England and University of Chichester

Event Location

The Ardington Hotel

Steyne Gardens
West Sussex
BN11 3DZ

Event Details


Festivals, Literature
