Wilson's Republic CIC / News / Tue 16 Jun 2015
Photographer wanted for Design Network launch night.

We are looking for a photographer to cover the launch event on Thursday 18th June 7-9pm at Cafe Ollo, The Media Centre, Huddersfield.
We can't pay you, however will provide full credit online, in promo and of course at the event. We would like to give our members the opportunity to showcase and contribute their talents in different ways, so we hope this is only the beginning.
Interested? Please email us at hello@wilsonsrepublic.com and tell us a little about yourself.
Wilson’s Republic.
A Design Network for Huddersfield
Next Event Thurs 18th June 2015 @ Cafe Ollo The Media Centre.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wilsons-republic-1-launch-night-tickets-16973914435
News Location
The Media Centre
7 Northumberland Street
Email: hello@wilsonsrepublic.com
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wilsons-republic-1-launch-night-tickets-16973914435