Weald & Downland Open Air Museum Weald & Downland Open Air Museum
The Weald & Downland Open Air Museum is set in a site at the heart of the South Downs National Park and has a collection of 50 rescued historic buildings. Throughout the year the museum organises a range of special events and provides learning opportunities for students of all ages.
View my website http://www.wealddown.co.uk/
My Location
Weald & Downland Open Air Museum
West Sussex
PO18 0EU
Telephone: 01243 811 363
Website: http://www.wealddown.co.uk/
My News
Brand new youth group 'The History Gang' at the Weald & Downland / Mon 02 Dec 2013
JOIN OUR HISTORY GANG! An exciting, creative new group for 8-12 year olds at the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum We will meet for a half-day on a...
Weald & Downland Careers Forum / Fri 16 Oct 2015
Come and join us on Friday 16 October to explore work and career options in an informal environment. We will focus on four fields of work: traditional...
Colour in historic homes / Sun 21 Sep 2014
We will explore the domestic interior of historic homes: wall paintings, materials and furniture. This day has a series of talks using examples from h...
Medicine and mortality 1300-1900 / Sat 21 to Sun 22 Sep 2013 (2 days)
It is often said that, if you were ever offered the chance to visit the past, you should decline on medical grounds" Ian Mortimer This whole weeken...