Watford Palace Theatre / Events / Fri 30 Sep to Sat 22 Oct 2016 (3 weeks)
Arms and the Man at Watford Palalce Theatre

Comedy. Romance. Chocolates.
Raina is young, beautiful, and madly in love with Sergius, a dashing young officer.
Sergius is the hero of the hour, leading a daring cavalry charge against impossible odds.
Bluntshchli is a battle-hardened professional soldier on the losing side. On the run and desperate, he appears in Raina’s bedroom. He has no weapon: experience has taught him chocolates are more useful than bullets. Will she turn him in, and guarantee his certain death? Or will she collude with the hated enemy, and find there is a great deal more to love and war than she first thought...
Shaw sparkling comedy takes a wry look at our illusions and ideals, with all the wit, vigour and romance of a golden-age Hollywood movie.
Director Brigid Larmour’s previous comedy work spans Shakespeare, Ayckbourn and the Five-Star Watford Palace Pantomime.
Tickets from £15 l Concessions £2 off l Senior Citizens £12.50 on matinees l Rumour scheme £5
For more information visit http://watfordpalacetheatre.co.uk/whats-on/theatre/arms-and-the-man/
Event Location
Watford Palace Theatre
22 Clarendon Road
WD17 1JZ
Telephone: 01923 235 455
Website: http://watfordpalacetheatre.co.uk/whats-on/theatre/arms-and-the-man/