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Watford Museum

Watford Museum / Events / Thu 14 Jan to Sat 27 Feb 2016 (1 month)

Space2: A Curious Collector

Space2: A Curious Collector

A Curious Collector featuring artist Jo Allen a Royal Academy of Art #CornellChallenge winner

Welcome to the wonderful world of 'Rare Radish' - an exhibition full of magical art inspired by a lifetime of treasure hunting and collecting. Captured on camera, the beauty of everyday objects and antiques is revealed in a unique and curiously British way.

Artist Led Treasure Hunt - Thursday 18th February 2016 11am- 12pm

Take part in a fun treasure hunt inspired by the artist Jo Allen's treasure hunting childhood. Find treasures hidden with each piece of art.
All ages. Please book

Event Location

Watford Museum

194 Lower High Street
WD17 2DT

Telephone: 01923 232 297

Event Details